Flutes of the Forest perform at annual Christmas Tree Festival in Hythe

Flutes of the Forest perform at annual Christmas Tree Festival in Hythe
Type of post: Orchestra news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Emma Stephenson
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 1 Feb 2025

On Saturday 30th November, MMS ensemble Flutes of the Forest played a lovely variety of festive tunes at the St John’s annual Christmas Tree Festival in Hythe.. The church was full of people looking around a the huge assortment of nicely decorated Christmas trees. Jo, Annette, Debs, Debbi, Chris and Emma played a lovely programme of music including Carol of the Bells and Silent Night.

Thanks to those who came to support them, including members of Prelude. And thanks to Annette for arranging the gig.

A bit about the Christmas tree festival

The Christmas tree festival was first organised by Hythe 2000 in 2009 and has grown year on year since that time. 

The festival is hosted by St John’s Church and runs from late November for a period of 2 weeks.

Local businesses, organisations, schools and individuals are invited to supply and decorate Christmas trees, wreaths and Christmas garlands which are put on display during the two week period of the festival. Most of the items donated are available to purchase via a silent auction, with winning bidders being able to collect their purchases at the end of the festival.

Entry to view the festival is free. 

Funds raised via this important event are shared equally between Hythe 2000 and St John’s Church.

Next year's event starts at 10am on Saturday 22nd November 2025. 

Source: Christmas Tree Festival – Hythe 2000 Charitable Trust